Event Hub – Pub/Sub in the browser

Today, I'd like to talk about EventHub, our in-browser publish/subscribe system. EventHub does a very similar thing to OpenAjax Hub, but for slightly different reasons. Whereas OpenAjax Hub is designed to allow mash-ups of co-operating components from different sites, EventHub ...Read More

Limited plumbing hampering your ability to build HTML5 apps ?

Most enterprise-scale language environments such as Java or .net, provide features like single-class-per-file (with on-demand loading); isolation; privacy and namespacing of code; refactoring capabilities; UI paradigms, encouraging separation of concerns; unit and acceptance testing tools with integrated debugging, etc... JavaScript and ...Read More

Javascript Interfaces: Putting The Java back into Javascript

Object-oriented is mostly about encapsulation, but it's also about interfaces and inheritance. However, years of experience have caused most programmers to realize that class inheritance is mostly a bad idea; it breaks encapsulation while increasing cognitive load by introducing cryptic indirection. ...Read More

The Pain of HTML5

One of the essential problems with any new technology is whether to adopt it and diabolically abandon users who are not able to upgrade or miss out on new possibilities and eventually become irrelevant. ...Read More

The WHY of WAT

Recently a talk given by Gary Bernhardt at CodeMash has been doing the rounds.  In it, he pokes fun at some apparently crazy behaviours in Ruby and Javascript. ...Read More

Testing Asynchronous JavaScript with Jasmine

For many applications, when you call a method the effect is immediate. For example calling a method like showErrorMessage("Error") will instantly update the page to give feedback to the user. However, not all applications are this simple. Caplin ...Read More