Could Mobile Safari become the next IE 6?

I heard a great quote a year or two ago about how software developers always want to reinvent the wheel. Most other scientific disciplines require you to learn from others before building upon what they have done. Sir ...Read More

The Mobile Web getting faster

There is more to the Mobile Web than just Apple products, but with the recent announcement of the iPad 2 and iOS 4.3 things are looking interesting. The new iPad has a new faster dual core ...Read More

Windows Phone 7 development

Windows Phone 7 is the latest thing in the fast growing world of mobile. Microsoft's previous attempts all seemed to be based on shrinking down their desktop OS to work on various handheld devices, but the problem is, that didn't work ...Read More

Native vs Web for Mobile

These days it seems just about everyone has an iPhone, or an Android phone.. and of course Blackberry still has a huge user base. The mobile application space is really hotting up - but what direction do you go? ...Read More

Sencha Touch – mobile web development framework

At Caplin we have been using various UI widgets from Ext JS (available from the renamed Sencha company) within Caplin Trader for a couple of years.The Ext JS widgets that we have used have been an excellent complement to ...Read More

Optimise for Portable Devices

Platformability is now optimised for Portable Devices. (Give it a go on your mobile!) As much as everyone loves big pictures for blog backgrounds or ...Read More

HTML5 vs Flash – The Saga Continues

Yesterday there were a couple of important posts that have reignited the fire under the HTML5 vs Flash debate. The first was Thoughts On Flash from Apple CEO Steve Jobs. The second was the riposte from Adobe CEO Shantanu Narayen, ...Read More

Would anybody want StreamLink for Windows Mobile?

After years of promise it really does look like mobile is the next big thing? But what mobile platform will prove to be the most popular? It seems to be a two horse race between iPhone and Android, with Windows Mobile lagging somewhere ...Read More