The banking exodus from IE6 begins?

We've all seen the retail and consumer space push to ditch IE6 gathering pace over the last 6 months, including a petition to the UK government and Google's announcement that their online productivity suite ...Read More

JavaScript Variable Naming Convention

When I joined Caplin 10 years ago I came from a company that used Hungarian notation to name its C++ and Visual Basic variables. For me, it seemed a natural progression to continue to use these naming conventions and adapt ...Read More

Pitfalls of Exception expectations in JsUnit

At Caplin we use the JsUnit framework to test our JavaScript code. Over time we have made minor modifications to it, integrating Mock4JS and JSCoverage, as well as adding a few of our own extensions that are sympathetic ...Read More

Would a setMonth() by Any Other Method Name be as Sweet?

On 31st December 2009 a unit test that had been running successfully in the Caplin continuous integration environment for two months suddenly started failing. The test in question created a JavaScript Date object, modified it using various setter ...Read More

Adding an Observer to an Observable

The Observer design pattern is used in many applications. If you are unfamiliar with it, or need to remind yourself about the specifics, you can read about it at Wikipedia or MSDN. Caplin Trader even provides a helper class to take ...Read More