The beauty of small tests

When tests are small, a test failure means just one thing – somewhere in these ten lines of code which are being tested, there is an error.  Ok, sometimes this can mean that there is an error in the test script, ...Read More

Agile – Tests = Fragile

The nature of agile projects, with lots of small releases mean that there are a lot of test runs to execute if you want to have any confidence in the code and the product. Ignoring this testing just ...Read More

Tech Talk – Behaviour Driven Development

Last week several of my colleagues and I watched a Google Tech Talk on Beyond Test Driven Development: Behaviour Driven Development, presented by Dave Astels way back in March 2006.Although four years can seem like an eternity within software ...Read More

Pitfalls of Exception expectations in JsUnit

At Caplin we use the JsUnit framework to test our JavaScript code. Over time we have made minor modifications to it, integrating Mock4JS and JSCoverage, as well as adding a few of our own extensions that are sympathetic ...Read More