The beauty of small tests

When tests are small, a test failure means just one thing – somewhere in these ten lines of code which are being tested, there is an error.  Ok, sometimes this can mean that there is an error in the test script, ...Read More

HTML5 WebSocket Failure Rates

Some interesting information on WebSockets recently came to my attention. Greg Wilkins posted to the hybi mailing list about Websocket success rates and TLS extension which links to some original research done by Google employees here while ...Read More

Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-04-11

Platformability's latest for all you UX people: "Duncan: On the Impossible Bloomberg Makeover" by @detyro himself: #Happy Friday everyone! Latest from Platformability: Agile – Tests = Fragile by @andrewjdarnell, QA ...Read More

Agile – Tests = Fragile

The nature of agile projects, with lots of small releases mean that there are a lot of test runs to execute if you want to have any confidence in the code and the product. Ignoring this testing just ...Read More

Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-04-04

Ext Designer 1.0 WYSIWYG design tool for Ext ajax apps released - #Platformability latest from @martintyler: 3 Generations of RIA Trading. Our experience of RIA streaming architectures.: ...Read More

Negative Latency – Breaking the Zero Barrier

Every second counts - or in financial markets, we're usually talking milliseconds or even microseconds. The faster you can get a price to a client the better. We have been very busy recently on R&D and are now ...Read More