Smarter – Hackday 17

In engineering circles, you’ll sometimes hear stories of 10x or 100x developers who are incredibly more productive than average.  This doesn’t mesh well with my own experience.  There certainly can be significant differences in productivity between developers, but the biggest differences ...Read More

Hackday – gRPC

Our streaming server Liberator serves financial data to browsers with low latency and high resilience.  We’ve used it for trading and pricing all kinds of assets in web based trading systems, and particularly for FX. However, this genericity means ...Read More

Hackday V – Hoverboards and Flying Cars

Since innovation is important to us at Caplin we run regular Hackdays, where developers (and UXistas) form miniteams to build something cool of their choice for 24 hours.  At the end of the 24hours ...Read More

JQueryUK 2013: The Other Talks

I recently wrote a post about getting to JQuery UK and the keynote speech with Brendan Eich.  Now I wanted to add the rest of my notes from the conference: Richard Worth was up ...Read More

JQueryUK and the Future of Javascript

My initial plan to spot someone who looked jqueryey and follow them turned out to be completely unnecessary.  The White October guys doing the organising had strategically placed friendly people with large pointers and painted white rabbits feet on the ground ...Read More

Leaking Memory in Single Page Javascript Applications

Back in the bad old days, not so very long ago, lots of development teams had to support IE6. One of the major problems of writing large javascript applications in antediluvian versions of Internet Explorer was that memory would leak very ...Read More

The Pain of HTML5

One of the essential problems with any new technology is whether to adopt it and diabolically abandon users who are not able to upgrade or miss out on new possibilities and eventually become irrelevant. ...Read More

The WHY of WAT

Recently a talk given by Gary Bernhardt at CodeMash has been doing the rounds.  In it, he pokes fun at some apparently crazy behaviours in Ruby and Javascript. ...Read More

Scaling JavaScript

When your JavaScript codebase consists of a couple of functions to do image rollover and form validation, then javascript seems like an extremely easy language.  It has relatively little bureaucracy for getting simple things done, an extremely useful literal notation for ...Read More

The New Writing

Which is to say: All civilized people write poetry from time to time.  Both its reading and its writing are necessary to a civilized mind.  But, in most cases, we should be civilized enough to keep it  - at least ...Read More