Dev Week: Money Market POC

It is quite common in the Caplin Integration Team to write Proof of Concepts (POC) where we usually write adapter code that we integrate with new systems. For my ...Read More

Caplin: A hands-free SDP and the testing challenge

One of the recent challenges our QA team has been facing is our upcoming release of a hands-free single-dealer trading platform. Here's a brief explanation for those of you that are unfamiliar with the concept: in an ever ...Read More

2 Minutes: Duncan Brown

Duncan Brown has been Head of UX Design at Caplin since 2007. Collaborating across Caplin with business and engineering, Duncan has defined and implemented a process to ensure that users have a better and more engaging experience with ...Read More

Chrome Crankshaft – ‘doubles’ JavaScript speed

Performance is a key aspect in native-web Single Dealer Platforms, since browser robustness is widely satisfactory in modern browsers. Low latency browser-based trading has been massively accelerated by the latest releases of Chrome and Firefox. Now that performance ...Read More

Comet Servers for a Single-Dealer Platform (SDP)

There is a lot more to a Single-Dealer Platform than just a Comet Server, but it is still a key component and often one of the components bought in rather than developed in house. At Caplin we have dedicated much ...Read More