As I mentioned in part I of this series, Adoption of Agile at Caplin, when we first started following an agile methodology (in our case Scrum) in February 2005 we were desperate to implement it successfully and wanted to adhere to ...Read More
Tag: xp
Agile Software Development – Adoption of Agile at Caplin
Back in January 2005 I had been married for a month and was looking forward to taking a belated honeymoon in March. As you would expect, these were significant life events, however little did I realise that something of a similar ...Read More
Agile Framework Development
At times it seems that the philosophy of agile software development is at odds with that of framework development. Given the amount of print and web space dedicated to agile methodologies, it's incredible how little is dedicated to this topic. It's ...Read More
Let’s all jump on the Kanban
We have been using agile methods - a typical mix of Scrum and XP - for some years now at Caplin. Though all of us have had some level of formal training and many years of ...Read More