
Single Dealer Platforms, Industry Expertise

WhereYouAt – A Retrospective

Caplin's 2021 intake of grads (Fabio, Dan H, Jiaxuan and Jonathan) decided for their grad project to create a system that would allow everyone in the company to know who would be in the office each day. This was especially important at the ...Read More

SEACON: 2023

Using your curiosity to innovate through experimentation is something we value at Caplin, and something we do during our dev days and hack days.  This year’s SEACON often focused on different kinds of experiments to enable a focus on delivering value ...Read More

WeatherVanes hack day

The theme for Caplin’s Winter Hackday 2022 was ‘Bringing it all together’, meaning to take any of our existing stack, products, and tools, and see what synergies we could produce. The WeatherVanes team (Mike ...Read More

Summer internship 2023

Together with John Wall and Mansi Manoj, I spent this summer on Caplin's internship programme, and I can say that ten weeks of the summer spent working for Caplin in London is the experience that every second year Computer Science student ...Read More

QA Financial Forum 2023

It was good to meet up with old friends and make some new ones at the QA Financial Forum 2023.  There were a number of talks and panel discussions to listen to and learn from this year, ranging from European regulations ...Read More

Smarter – Hackday 17

In engineering circles, you’ll sometimes hear stories of 10x or 100x developers who are incredibly more productive than average.  This doesn’t mesh well with my own experience.  There certainly can be significant differences in productivity between developers, but the biggest differences ...Read More