BladeRunner at SkillsMatter

HTML5 is quickly emerging as the world’s favourite GUI technology. This is no surprise as HTML5 addresses a number of major issues of interest to application developers, such as ease of deployment and cross-platform unity. As a result, most enterprises have recognised the long-term benefits associated with an HTML5 strategy.

HTML5 has introduced many new capabilities and the pace of innovation by the vibrant community is staggering; producing faster browsers, libraries, tools and frameworks on almost a weekly bases. It’s great to have so many choices, yet determining the best tools for the job can be a daunting challenge. Solid enterprise application architecture is equally vital for those engaged in developing and maintaining large-scale applications.
This is where BladeRunner can help.

BladeRunner is a framework for building modular enterprise-scale HTML5 apps composed of blades. It consists of a set of conventions and a toolkit that accelerate and promote the development of testable and maintainable web apps.

BladeRunner is opinionated about doing things right and offers a set of best-of-breed libraries for getting there. Yet it is flexible enough to allow you to choose your own libraries too.

To find out more, please join us at SkillsMatter on Tuesday 23 October at 6:30pm, when Patrick and I will talk about the state of enterprise-scale HTML5 development and demonstrate BladeRunner. Come along for a lively discussion, beer and pizza!

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