
Guy Nicholson opening Digital Shoreditch Caplin's UX team headed to Digital Shoreditch last week to discover what the most innovative and creative businesses in Tech City are doing to keep them ahead in ...Read More

Scotland.JS 2013

https://twitter.com/gr2m/status/332410940979036160/photo/1 Two weeks ago, 9th-10th May, I took some time out from day to day development and went along to Scotland.JS. It was a great two ...Read More

2 minutes: Matthew Baxter

Matthew Baxter joined Caplin as Head of UX Design in December 2012 Leading Caplin’s UX Design team from research through to visual design, Matthew is focused on ensuring Caplin products are appropriate, intuitive, fit for ...Read More

Code Coverage – What is it good for?

Absolutely nothing! Say it again! That is certainly the response I got when I asked an architect about code coverage. And it also seemed to be the conclusion from a long email thread/discussion we had ...Read More

How do You Test in Agile Environment?

Testing in any industry means a product is built and tested. Take for example, a car tested against wet road surfaces or for maximum speed etc. This is known as “Quality Control”. The term “Quality Assurance” however is ...Read More

JQueryUK 2013: The Other Talks

I recently wrote a post about getting to JQuery UK and the keynote speech with Brendan Eich.  Now I wanted to add the rest of my notes from the conference: Richard Worth was up ...Read More

The History and Evolution of Executing Futures

Plaformability is a rare glimpse into the inner workings of a highly skilled, tightly aligned London based software development team dedicated to creating frameworks for single-dealer platforms (SDPs). We dedicate this blog to writing about the technology that fuels ...Read More

JQueryUK and the Future of Javascript

My initial plan to spot someone who looked jqueryey and follow them turned out to be completely unnecessary.  The White October guys doing the organising had strategically placed friendly people with large pointers and painted white rabbits feet on the ground ...Read More

Leaking Memory in Single Page Javascript Applications

Back in the bad old days, not so very long ago, lots of development teams had to support IE6. One of the major problems of writing large javascript applications in antediluvian versions of Internet Explorer was that memory would leak very ...Read More