Ressurecting the Jigosaurus – Part II

This is part II to Ressurecting the Jigosaurus written by Andrew Trevorah.The original Jigosaurus contained a single playable image which was cut to puzzle pieces saved on the web server as distinct files. Obviously it wasn’t very exciting to play ...Read More

Resurrecting the Jigosaurus

Jigosaurus was a multiplayer Jigsaw puzzle that could be played with friends through any compliant web browser. It was originally designed as a small little test project but was sadly left dormant. ...Read More

What does software look like?

As software engineers we work with substance which can neither be seen, smelt, touched, heard nor tasted. One might argue that we "see" the code, but in reality, our source code is no more than the instructions that we give for ...Read More

War stories from the Static Analysis Trenches

I have always had a soft spot for automated analysis tools, fundamentally believing that for a reasonable subset of problems, where the rules can be expressed relatively mechanically, that they should be able to effectively diagnose a reasonable number of issues ...Read More

Prebake: a recipe for great builds

In his recent post, Java Build Systems: A Sad State of Affairs, Jess Johnson describes the many problems with both Ant and Maven, and how Maven solves none of Ant’s issues, but ...Read More

A JUnit trick for ensuring SOLID design

Last week I had the chance to attend Jason Gorman's workshop on SOLID, a set of principles for good object-oriented design. If you want to find out whether your code conforms to one of these five principles (the L, ...Read More

London Ajax User Group Meetup: Comet Panel

On July 13th I will be at The Skills Matter eXchange on the Comet Panel for the London Ajax User Group. Details can be found here: Sign up and come along if you are interested. ...Read More

Kanban exposes documentation bottlenecks

Back in November I blogged about our company trialing Kanban, “Let’s all jump on the Kanban” which we have now extended to our Documentation Team – something described by David Joyce as BBC Kanban Flu. We ...Read More