Why we don't need HTML5 WebSocket

I was going to blog about HTML5 WebSocket last week, but got side tracked. In the meantime, Greg Wilkins wrote an excellent piece covering some of what I wanted to say: http://blogs.webtide.com/gregw/entry/websocket_chat The idea of WebSocket is sound ...Read More

Brilliant Presentation On API Design

Many of our Caplin Xaqua and Caplin Trader components can be customized and extended, and we provide APIs that allow our customers to do this. Indeed, some components, such as the StreamLink and DataSource SDKs consist entirely of APIs that are ...Read More

Inadvertantly Abstract

Yesterday you may have seen the @CaplinTech tweet about Zed Shaw's essay which complains that programmers too often muddle the concepts of indirection and abstraction. In particular he bemoans that this confusion often results in programmers designing bad APIs. ...Read More

Guaranteed Messaging – Don’t believe it

Guaranteed messaging is something that I've covered before from a Comet perspective. It is still mentioned a lot when talking about messaging technology. People using the technology want to know that if they send a message that it will be ...Read More

Silverlight and Flex versus Ajax

On November 10th Caplin and Finextra sponsored a webcast discussing issues surrounding single-dealer portals in capital markets. We have the highlights and while much of the discussion was purely business focused, part III discusses the emergence of Ajax versus Flex and ...Read More

RTTP Log Firebug Extension

I recently put some time into developing a Firebug extension to display log messages From SL4B - Caplin's Ajax Streaming Library. Usually these messages are displayed in a popup window that will close and re-open on every refresh of Caplin Trader. ...Read More

What does Platformability mean to you?

We’ve purposefully not defined exactly what Platformability means. It was conjured up by Duncan based on a number of ideas. To help you decide what Platformability means to you, here are a few things to consider and some of my thoughts about the ...Read More

Adding an Observer to an Observable

The Observer design pattern is used in many applications. If you are unfamiliar with it, or need to remind yourself about the specifics, you can read about it at Wikipedia or MSDN. Caplin Trader even provides a helper class to take ...Read More

Welcome to the Caplin Systems Tech Blog

Caplin Systems has been building pioneering real-time web technology for financial markets since 2000. During this time we've come up with a lot of very clever solutions to very difficult problems across a broad range of technologies and ...Read More