As a designer who sketches daily as a fundamental part of my creative and problem solving activity I am still surprised how often sketching is discussed within the UX community - as if it's a 'new thing' that one really should be doing. ...Read More
Category: Events
Money Phone
Having gone to the 'Internetworld 2012' event, there seems to be a clear emerging trend for mobiles, which should come as no surprise. We are all going to be using our phones to pay for things from now on. ...Read More
Agile UX safari
Around fifty UX Agilistas descended on Caplin’s London office yesterday for an Agile UX Meetup event. It was great to see Martyn Jones from Mind Candy again as I enjoyed the previous event they had hosted. A small army ...Read More
Story Maps and SpecLog (Story Maps part 3)
Story maps were an often mentioned conceptual tool at the Agile and BDD one day mini conference of 7 sessions in one location. See skillsmatter for the program and ...Read More
Caplin to host an Agile UX Safari!
The Agile UX Meetup Group is heading to Caplin! Caplin will be hosting an “Agile UX Safari” in a couple of weeks. It will be a little different to the last one at ...Read More
The New Writing
Which is to say: All civilized people write poetry from time to time. Both its reading and its writing are necessary to a civilized mind. But, in most cases, we should be civilized enough to keep it - at least ...Read More
A Tribute to Steve Jobs
It saddened us at Caplin to hear of Steve Jobs’ recent passing, but we’d like to reflect on his achievements and how they have revolutionised the world. Steve Jobs was not a ...Read More
What I Learnt at SPA 2011
After weeks of keen anticipation, not to mention many long nights of preparation for my own session, SPA 2011 has now been and gone.Overall it was an excellent conference with a great group of attendees. The numerous inter-session conversations I ...Read More
SPA 2011
Along with some other friends from Caplin, I went to the SPA2011 conference at the beginning of this week. JavaScript turned out to be very popular this year and the first session I ...Read More
Insights from Web Directions Conference
A few weeks ago, two members of our UX team (Rafael and myself) had the privilege of attending the Web Directions @Media 2011 conference for two days of talks on all things web. The range of speakers ...Read More