The theme for Caplin’s Winter Hackday 2022 was ‘Bringing it all together’, meaning to take any of our existing stack, products, and tools, and see what synergies we could produce. The WeatherVanes team (Mike ...Read More
Category: hackday
Building a Data-Driven Sales Analysis Dashboard with Dash, Plotly, and Logistic Regression
In today's dynamic financial landscape, data-driven decisions are pivotal for successful sales strategies. The ability to visualise and analyse data before or during a sale can significantly impact outcomes. In this comprehensive blog post, we'll explore how ...Read More
SalesIQ: Empowering FX Sales Dealers with Predictive Insights
Caplin hackdays happen twice a year and are a perfect opportunity to try new things, many of which end up in our products. The theme for our July hackday was ‘Smart Caplin’, and our team SalesIQ wanted to investigate whether we ...Read More
URElf: Chrome extension to swiftly modify URL params
At Caplin, dev days offer an opportunity for engineers to take a break from their routine tasks, to delve into a side project or experiment with a new technology. During my recent dev day, ...Read More
Smarter – Hackday 17
In engineering circles, you’ll sometimes hear stories of 10x or 100x developers who are incredibly more productive than average. This doesn’t mesh well with my own experience. There certainly can be significant differences in productivity between developers, but the biggest differences ...Read More
Reimagining Margin Administration – Summer Hack Day 2022
For this season's hack day our team, Jack Cusack, Harry Hornby and myself, decided to focus on reducing the complexity and improving the transparency of price administration of an FX trading system without reducing or restricting the functionality, and having any ...Read More
How do you bring customers into your innovation process?
... it’s the exciting comradery that makes this a great initiative for all involved. It’s really motivating and great for team morale. ...Mncedi Maila, Channels & Platforms Lead at Standard Bank Picture this: a day of getting ...Read More
Hackday 2021 – The Silence of the Lambdas
In the cloud, nobody can hear you stream Since its inception over two years ago the Caplin Managed Services team has been responsible for building and maintaining Caplin’s SaaS cloud offerings. Our cloud infrastructure ...Read More
Hackday 2021 – Electroshock Therapy
This month, Caplin held its biannual hackday event. Developers got into teams of up to 3 and had 24 hours to produce something befitting this year's theme: Speed. Along with my colleague Andrew Voneshen we formed the team “Driving Miss ...Read More
Hackday – gRPC
Our streaming server Liberator serves financial data to browsers with low latency and high resilience. We’ve used it for trading and pricing all kinds of assets in web based trading systems, and particularly for FX. However, this genericity means ...Read More