Hi, this is @martintyler, I am Chief Software Architect at Caplin and will be tweeting this week from CaplinTech #Flex 4 is out, which includes Flash Builder 4 - http://bit.ly/98iERz #ria ...Read More
Category: HTML5
Why we don't need HTML5 WebSocket
I was going to blog about HTML5 WebSocket last week, but got side tracked. In the meantime, Greg Wilkins wrote an excellent piece covering some of what I wanted to say: http://blogs.webtide.com/gregw/entry/websocket_chat The idea of WebSocket is sound ...Read More
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-02-28
RT @patrickmyles: Google's newly proposed SPDY protocol could be interesting 4 realtime finance webapps, if adopted - http://bit.ly/AAR95 #RT @jurgenappelo: Scaling Lean & Agile Development, by Craig Larman and @ ...Read More
The Rumours of Comet’s Death Have Been Greatly Exaggerated
Joe Armstrong in a recent blog post (which made it to reddit) announces the coronation of HTML 5 websockets now that Google has added them to Chrome. He's also pleased to relegate Comet, long polling and its friends to ...Read More
What does Platformability mean to you?
We’ve purposefully not defined exactly what Platformability means. It was conjured up by Duncan based on a number of ideas. To help you decide what Platformability means to you, here are a few things to consider and some of my thoughts about the ...Read More