Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-03-28

Hi, this is @martintyler, I am Chief Software Architect at Caplin and will be tweeting this week from CaplinTech #Flex 4 is out, which includes Flash Builder 4 - #ria ...Read More

Why we don't need HTML5 WebSocket

I was going to blog about HTML5 WebSocket last week, but got side tracked. In the meantime, Greg Wilkins wrote an excellent piece covering some of what I wanted to say: The idea of WebSocket is sound ...Read More

Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-02-28

RT @patrickmyles: Google's newly proposed SPDY protocol could be interesting 4 realtime finance webapps, if adopted - #RT @jurgenappelo: Scaling Lean & Agile Development, by Craig Larman and @ ...Read More

What does Platformability mean to you?

We’ve purposefully not defined exactly what Platformability means. It was conjured up by Duncan based on a number of ideas. To help you decide what Platformability means to you, here are a few things to consider and some of my thoughts about the ...Read More