By now you've probably heard that we've open sourced BladeRunnerJS, the development toolkit that our dev teams - and those of our customers - use to build Caplin Trader-based applications. You probably also know that the toolkit isn't restricted ...Read More
Category: Tech Talks
Gradle eXchange 2013
A whole day devoted to Gradle – what fun! The fact that the event took place shows how much traction, and how prominent Gradle is becoming in the build community. It’s becoming the de facto build tool for ...Read More
Understanding JavaScript – part II.
We have discussed in the previous article what functions are. Let's continue our discovery and find out the important attributes of functions. As you have seen in the previous article, a function does not ...Read More
Understanding JavaScript – part I.
There are many approaches to learning JavaScript, but only a few of them explain how JavaScript works from the inside. I will demonstrate and highlight the most important features of JavaScript throughout a series of articles about how to use the ...Read More
Insights from Web Directions Conference
A few weeks ago, two members of our UX team (Rafael and myself) had the privilege of attending the Web Directions @Media 2011 conference for two days of talks on all things web. The range of speakers ...Read More
3 Things We Learned @UX London 2011
Just last week the UX team at Caplin had the fortune of attending UX London 2011, the largest UX conference in the UK, for three days of talks and workshops. Some of the ...Read More
The Company of the Future: UX-driven?
At Caplin, we've taken a feather out of Google's hat with our weekly Tech Talks. At Tech Talks one of our developers shares informative or inspirational videos, talks or gives a presentation on something tech-related. It’s a great platform for livening up the ...Read More
Dynamic method invocation in Ruby
This year at Caplin we are having a series of Tech Talks based on Bruce A. Tate's Seven Languages in Seven Weeks. This is a great book and I would highly recommend it to any coders out there. Whether you ...Read More
The Art of Motivation: Autonomy, Purpose, and Mastery
Wow! is the only word I can think of to describe this talk. Great content, backed up by good research, bringing a conclusion that challenges much of the standard management thinking... delivered in a really engaging way! ...Read More
Know your own mind
How does your brain feel? No, really. It’s a serious question. It is also one we naturally shy away from in the workplace. Possibly even one that you are shying away from as you are ...Read More