Augmented reality table tennis Caplin recently organised the sixth company Hackday, which, we all agree, was the best so far. You can get a ...Read More

HackDay 6 – Hack-o-ween roundup

Last Friday saw another 24-hour coding-fest at Caplin HQ. All engineering staff were asked to form teams for a start on Thursday lunchtime and build something cool to demo on Friday afternoon. For a number of people furiously working on their ...Read More

Your first line of code is feature code

This was our goal when first developing BladeRunner internally. And it has remained our goal since, and as we have transformed the project into the BladeRunnerJS open source project. Building large webapps requires consistency, and the ability to ...Read More

New ways to write better documentation

After a thought-provoking experience of an advanced writing course at the end of last year, I thought I'd share what I learned. Stay tuned for some fascinating videos, a view on how Caplin is keeping up with the latest communication trends, ...Read More

Hackday V – Hoverboards and Flying Cars

Since innovation is important to us at Caplin we run regular Hackdays, where developers (and UXistas) form miniteams to build something cool of their choice for 24 hours.  At the end of the 24hours ...Read More

Trouble in Flatworld

My mother gingerly taps the screen at arms length, as if lighting a firework, and then waits, flinching. And, as with a firework, only when she is absolutely sure that nothing is going to happen – and that could take some ...Read More

Hit The Numbers – An aid to blue-sky thinking

When the digital world first became a workplace, trading platforms were adaptations of physical work environments evolved over many years for a niche group of highly skilled and specialized people. The burgeoning ...Read More

LXJS 2013 – Day One

LXJS is a 2 day, community run, not for profit, international conference with an aim to highlight the new worlds of JavaScript. Day one of the conference started bright and early on a slightly damp morning in Lisbon. Caplin had three people ...Read More