Last week I had the chance to attend Jason Gorman's workshop on SOLID, a set of principles for good object-oriented design. If you want to find out whether your code conforms to one of these five principles (the L, ...Read More
2 Minutes: Steve Morgan
Steve Morgan joined Caplin as Development Manager in August 2010 Q: Steve, welcome to Caplin. Where have you joined us from? A: I was with Qualcomm for nearly 5 years. ...Read More
Sleep deprivation doesn’t work for all of us
I had a wonderful holiday last week. By wonderful holiday I don’t mean that I lay on a sun lounger in Tenerife for 12 hours a day in-between siestas and emerged beautified and well rested back at my desk on Monday morning. No, by ...Read More
Will IE9 save us from IE6?
Microsoft have released a beta of IE9, you can download it from It seems that the battle of the browsers these days has a lot to do with being the best and fastest for modern standards ...Read More
A Minister of Detail with no budget (notes from UX Brighton)
Thanks to Danny Hope et al for arranging UX Brighton and putting on some inspiring speakers. Excellent decision to move the keynote speaker Rory Sutherland to the end, I certainly walked away from the conference with my ...Read More
If you can't think of a good name, use a bad one
I've just read a great tweet from @KentBeck that provides an interesting solution for something that I have always struggled with. if you don't have a good name for it, give it a bad name. ...Read More
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-08-29
RT @sarahlawfull: Persona embodiment - does it help? @uxmatters #ux #design #sdlc #RT @sarahlawfull: Just signed up to could be interesting ...Read More
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-08-22
RT @martintyler: HTML5Rocks site updated - #html5 #web #RT @martintyler: HTML5Rocks site updated - #html5 #Latest blog from @ian_alderson: ...Read More
It's High Time for Good UX
There seem to be a number of people who still have the impression that User Experience (UX) is some divine attribute that is miraculously bestowed upon a few anointed applications. Other applications, they say, have no UX. There is also a belief that ...Read More
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-08-15
Native vs Web for Mobile - blog from @martintyler on Platformability - #RT @developerworks: 10 years of Web development - interesting look back through the #web #tech advances ...Read More